

U.S. Youth Billiards Team Registration is now open Nationwide for the 2019 season (Continental U.S. only at this time). Youth players of all ages are welcome, and encouraged to join the program. Registrations are currently being accepted for competitive teams, and prep teams (non-competitive). Learn more about the program below. Then, when you’re ready to register, simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page, and join the U.S.Y.B. family. Join a Team Today!


One of the major tenets of U.S. Youth Billiards is that youth players are the key to securing the future of cue sports. It is our desire, and objective to get current, and future generations of young players excited about the sport, and we believe the best way to accomplish this is through team participation, and by fostering a competitive spirit in an environment built on sportsmanship, and supported by passionate coaches, and mentors. Participation in team sports has been shown to be very beneficial to the development, and overall happiness of children. You are in a unique position to be a part of a new, and unique, nationwide program, created by true cue sports enthusiasts. This is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor, and help shape the future of the U.S.Y.B. organization. No program like this exists anywhere else, and no other sport is as accessible, or builds skills on as many levels as cue sports. By joining a U.S.Y.B. youth team, your child will…


Benefits of Joining a Team




Teams consists of 6 players, and 2 alternates, and must have at least 1 male, and 1 female member. Teams are categorized into four (4) divisions based on age (ages 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, and 15-17). Players too young, or not ready to join a competitive team are encouraged to join the prep team program.

Prep teams are designed for players of all ages, and abilities. The purpose of these teams is to help players build their skills so they can easily transition to competitive teams, if they desire to do so. Prep teams do not have a set number of players, or a specific makeup. Players are not required to join competition teams if they choose not to, and can remain on a prep team until they turn 18, if they wish to. Players may join both a competition, and prep team at the same time, as long as there is no scheduling conflict. In this case, competition team schedules take precedence. This applies to practice, and match schedules. Note that participation in the prep team program is optional for team operators. This means that, even though your local operator may operate competition teams, they may not offer prep teams. Please check team availability using the registration form below. As new team operators, and teams are added, the form will be updated, and subscribers to our announcements will be notified. We will also update this information on our announcements page, and on the teams list page.



Cue sports offer exceptional accessibility to players with special needs, and disabilities that far exceeds most other sports. Players with physical, and mental disabilities, and/or other special needs are highly encouraged to participate in the program. We welcome every youth player interested in pursuing the sport with open arms, and we want to help them succeed in every way possible. We also offer some specialized equipment designed for players with disabilities, and will endeavor to accommodate every player to the best of our ability.



At U.S.Y.B. we believe that honing a players skills is only one facet of what it takes to build champions, and great people. We seek to help young players fulfill their potential both on and off the table. That is why the bedrock of our program is our network of amazing coaches, and mentors charged with not only improving a players game play, but also instilling in them core values that will help serve them throughout their lives, and make them more well rounded people, and valuable assets to our society. These core values include, but are not limited to, integrity, tenacity, competence, service to others, sportsmanship, perseverance, fair play, and honesty. These values are the cornerstone of our program, and a major driving force behind everything we do.



All players will be held to the highest standards of sportsmanship, and will be expected to exude the values that are the foundation of U.S. Youth Billiards. This includes being respectful, gracious, engaging in fair play, and setting a positive example for others. Good conduct is a cornerstone of the U.S. Youth Billiards organization, and must be exercised at all times, and under all circumstances. After all, our players are the face of our organization, and as such, should represent the organization with pride, and in a manner that will cast it in a positive light, and have a positive influence on others.



In order to maintain a level of uniformity, cohesion, and unity, as well as organizational recognition, all competition team members will be required to adhere to a dress code consisting of black slacks with belt, team jerseys, comfortable and clean shoes (tennis shoes/sneakers are permitted, but please have them be presentable). No specific uniform is required for Prep Team players. Uniforms will be ordered from Ultimate Team Gear. Below is an example uniform (each team uniform will vary in design, this is only an example) depicting the locations of the team name/logo, team operator name/logo, and sponsor names/logos:

Example Uniform with Sponsor Locations



Each player on competition teams will be provided a new cue, and case. Below is an example (example only, actual cue, and case design may vary). If possible, equipment will be engraved/marked with the player’s name to identify the owner.




Records of individual, and team scores, and standings will be kept, and statistically analyzed by U.S. Youth Billiards. Those statistics will be made available on our website for public consumption.



One season per calendar year will be played, beginning with State level matches, and Championships, followed by Conference matches, and Championships, and commencing with a National Championship tournament that will be held at the birthplace, and home of U.S. Youth Billiards, Chalky’s, in Carbondale, IL. Each division (age group) will follow the same format, and have their own National Championship competition at the same location, and time as all other divisions. Seasons will be scheduled to least interfere with school, and other youth sports. Training, instruction, and practices will continue year-round. The National Championship format will be a single elimination tournament.



We take the safety, and security of all of our teams, and players very seriously, including online. All of our team operators, coaches, mentors, ect. must pass a thorough background check to be part of the program. Anyone involved in the program who commits a violation of our code of conduct, or is shown to not be living up to our core values or standards of excellence will be released from the program. To keep your personal information, and the personal information of our players private, our website is secured with industry leading 256 bit encryption, and we will never sell or give your information to a third party without your expressly written consent. Player name (photograph, in some cases, with parental permission), team affiliation, and records/statistics are the only information that will be available to the public through our organization, and website. This information is used to quantify a players current ability level, and track their improvement, to help coaches identify areas their players need additional coaching in, and for competition ranking purposes.



The player registration fee for competition teams is $85 ($40 for prep team), followed by subsequent monthly membership fees of $85 ($40 for prep team) for each player for as long as that player remains on a team. U.S. Youth Billiards strives to give every player an opportunity to be part of a team regardless of their family’s ability to pay the required fees. When registering, registrants may elect to contribute additional funds that will be used for this purpose. U.S. Youth Billiards will also utilize fundraising mechanisms to assist with this, including offering sponsorships, when available. If you are unable to pay the registration fees, but want your child to join a team, please contact us via email at contact@usyouthbilliards.com to discuss the available options.

Refunds of team registration fees will be allowed any time prior to a team receiving their last registered player. Once a teams final player has registered, refunds will not be processed.

Travel must be permissible by each team member’s parent or guardian. U.S. Youth Billiards will collect, and maintain all releases, and permissions in writing before players are officially added to teams. Travel expenses are the sole responsibility of the players, and their families, and will be paid directly by them. U.S. Youth Billiards will endeavor to negotiate discounted, and group rates for lodging, food, and transportation, and will offer those discounts directly to players, and their families when possible.

U.S. Youth Billiards is implementing a system (online on our website, and through a free smart phone app) that teams, players, Team Operators, coaches, etc. will utilize for scheduling, competition coordination, communications, record keeping, team management, payment of fees, and all other team, and league related operations.

Funds collected, including Team Operator fees, player fees, donations, sponsorship fees, etc. will be used to create and maintain the infrastructure, and management system necessary to operate U.S. Youth Billiards, and support our Team Operators, players, their families, sponsors, and fans, as well as to provide a means for players who are unable to join a team due to financial constraints to be able to participate. Funds will also be used to purchase necessary equipment, uniforms, etc., and for marketing, and other purposes.



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